Monday, September 30, 2019

Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present

Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present Traditionally the United States, along with the majority of the world has been a patriarchal society. The customary male role, specifically in relation to the home, has been the head of the household, the protector, and the provider. A male’s duty was unquestionably embodied in these three ideas, until the 1970’s. The growing feminist movement of that time began to question and displace these roles as solely belonging to a man, and the male role in society slowly began to shift.Instead of being the sole breadwinner for his home, families with two working parents have become increasingly more common. Women in the workforce have allowed father’s to spend more time at home with their children and helping out around the house. Over the last 50 years the male role has changed drastically, and while not all of the changes that have taken place are bad, the overall effect of these changes on society has been a negative one, creating a generation of fatherlessness, increased crime, and a general lack of respect for authority in any form.For generations it has been a man’s responsibility to provide for his family. Women were rarely even accepted into the workforce until after WWII. However, government encouragement for women to enter the labor force during the war, in combination with the rising feminist movement started a tidal wave movement of women pursuing higher education and careers. Women currently make up the majority of the workforce and 60% of all college graduates (Rosin). Donnalyn Pompper, a professor at Temple University, expands on this further in her article about the masculine gender role conflict theory.She explains that that after WWII, the increased female presence in the labor force â€Å"destabilized the breadwinner role as a basis for male identity, and now men must accept working wives and a more active parental role† (Pompper). And while it is true that the shift to equal opportunity in the workforce is almost universally agreed upon as a positive change, the balance and delicateness of the male psyche and ego are seldom taken into consideration. For many men, the ability to provide for one’s family is an integral part of the definition of masculinity.In interviews conducted by Dr. Pompper, when asked to individually define masculinity, a reoccurring theme in both the younger and older men interviewed was the ability to provide for one’s family. One of the young men interviewed said, â€Å"Being masculine means you are able to look at your wife and say ‘I got this’. To be able to look at your kids and say ‘I’ve got you’. That to me is the epitome of masculinity†¦being able, at the end of the day, to look at your family and say, ‘get on my back, I’ve got you the rest of the way’. Another man expressed similar feelings and said, â€Å"I think that every guy feels like itâ⠂¬â„¢s his place not to be the stay home Dad† (Pompper). Even in today’s forward thinking society, men are wired to be the provider. To take that role completely away is emasculating to him and leaves him feeling like he is unnecessary in the home. Although a family where, either both parents, or just the mother provide financially may be a little tough on the male ego, it is not detrimental. Provider is not the only established male role, protector and ‘head of the house’ are equally important to the equation.The traditional man of the 1960’s was indisputably the head of his home. There was a clear hierarchy, and while the husband and wife still often worked as a team, the culture of the time dictated that a man was undeniably in charge of his home, and his family. In many ways, this has been one of the most distinct changes between the 1960’s and 2012. Because men are no longer the sole breadwinner for their home, they are required to spend a larger portion of their time taking an active role in the home. No longer is the kitchen and house exclusively a woman’s domain, but rather shared by both parties.Men are expected to help out around the house and with the children, as much as women are. The idea of â€Å"team parenting† has evolved and taken root in today’s society, and has had excellent outcomes. Research has shown that children who are raised by two parents (a mother and a father specifically) have greater cognitive ability and success rates than children whose fathers are absent or uninvolved (Hofferth). This style of parents working together as a team to raise their children has been a great strategy, but looking at the big picture, it is shown that â€Å"Team parenting† has also unknowingly created some problems.Studies have shown that a child’s success throughout their life is largely dependent on the structure of their childhood (Hofferth). Given that men’s taking a more proactive role in the home and in the lives of their children is a good thing, the way that it has been approached has been problematic because it has undermined the hierarchy of the home. Similar to a man’s need to be the provider is the need to be the protector of his home. In addition, a man is not the only one who craves a distinctive hierarchy in the home, so do the children. According to Dr. David Bjorklund and Dr.Anthony Pellegrini, children need a clear authority figure. Often times by approaching parenting as a team and as equals, the mother and father undermine each other’s authority (Bjorklund, Pellegrini). Furthermore, without a specific and defined role, the position of father has been diminished as unimportant. For generations men have been noted as head of the house, and hailed for that important position. However, without that distinct role to play, it begins to seem like they’re participation is unnecessary as their wife is obviously much better suited to caring for and developing relationship with a child.These personal misgivings in combination with the media reinforcing the idea that the father role is superfluous, are huge contributors to why more and more fatherlessness is becoming the social epidemic of the generation (Pompper). This is an important issue that needs to be addressed, because Fathers are vital to the family unit. In their article about the role of fathers in children’s development, Amanda Quesenberry M. Ed. , Michaelene M. Ostrosky Ph. D. , and Robert Corso Ph. D. , note â€Å"Fathers are critical members of the family system who influence their children and their families in unique ways† (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso).The article states that even in today’s society, father’s hold a huge amount of influence over society, enough that their presence and involvement is necessary to not only the success of the family as a unit, but also to the individual children. However, since the importance of fathers and fatherhood has not been stressed, and in fact the opposite has been emphasized, approximately one out of every 3 children does not have an active father or father figure in their lives (Hofferth). Acceptance and affection from a father or father figure is vital to a child’s cognitive development, and recent statistics how that behavioral problems among children, adolescents, and young adults with no active father in their lives are far greater than those of children living with both a father and a mother (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso), and also tend to deal with one or more of the following issues: personality and psychological adjustment problems, behavioral problems (including aggression towards people and animals, property destruction, deceitfulness, and theft), delinquency, and psychopathology (substance abuse, depression) (Rohner).The rate of violent crimes have gone up roughly 300% since the 1960’s, and of the juveniles who ha ve been incarcerated for serious crimes 70% of them have been raised with no real father figure. In addition, 70% of all girls who become pregnant were raised without fathers (Lykken). These alarming numbers demonstrate the profound effect a father can have on the development, and therefore future of a child. The final issue that has come out of male’s displacement from his traditional roles is a generation with no respect for authority. Teachers are having increasing difficulties with classroom control.Students no longer have it ingrained in them to respect their elders, and as a result don’t care what the teacher or the principal say. Because school is no longer a priority to students like this, the drop out rate has increased significantly, with just over half of all dropouts being fatherless (Lykken). In today’s economy, it is next to impossible to find a job without at least a high school diploma, and employers no longer have to put up with any employee who cannot do what they are told, because there is someone who would be happy to take their place who most likely has more experience or education and can do what they are told.To conclude, while equal opportunity is beneficial and has helped to move our society forward, it has also drastically changed the traditional male role. And while some of these changes are good ones, they unfortunately have had negative effects due to people’s ignorance of the possible consequences. For example, it is good that women have been able to pursue their goals and passions in the workforce, and it is good that men are able to help out more at home. However, what is not good is that men have become completely displaced from many of the roles that, to them, define them as men.The way their roles have changed has slowly and subconsciously emasculated and caused them to doubt their importance and purpose in the family unit, which in turn has led to a growing number of fatherless children, increased crime rate, and a lack of respect for any kind of authority. Works Cited Bjorklund, David F, and Anthony D. Pellegrini. â€Å"Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology. † Child Development. 71. 6 (2000): 1687-708. Print. 05 Mar. 2012 Hofferth, Sandra L. â€Å"Residential Father Family Type and Child Well-Being: Investment Versus Selection. † Demography. 43. 1 (2006): 53-77. Print. 03 Mar. 2012. Pompper, Donnalyn. Masculinities, the Metrosexual, and Media Images: Across Dimensions of Age and Ethnicity. † Sex Roles. 63 (2010): 9-10. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Quesenberry, Amanda, Michaelene Ostrosky, and Robert Corso. â€Å"Skilled and Knowledgeable Caregivers: the Role of Fathers in Supporting Young Children's Development. † Young Exceptional Children. 10. 4 (2007): 11-19. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Rohner, Ronald P. â€Å"Father Love and Child Development: History and Current Evidence. † Current Directions in Psychological Science. 7. 5 (1998): 157-161. Pr int. 03 Mar. 2012. Rosin, Hanna. â€Å"The End of Men. † July-Aug. 2010. The Atlantic. Web. 03 Mar. 2012. Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present Change in Male Role in the Home: 1960-Present Traditionally the United States, along with the majority of the world has been a patriarchal society. The customary male role, specifically in relation to the home, has been the head of the household, the protector, and the provider. A male’s duty was unquestionably embodied in these three ideas, until the 1970’s. The growing feminist movement of that time began to question and displace these roles as solely belonging to a man, and the male role in society slowly began to shift.Instead of being the sole breadwinner for his home, families with two working parents have become increasingly more common. Women in the workforce have allowed father’s to spend more time at home with their children and helping out around the house. Over the last 50 years the male role has changed drastically, and while not all of the changes that have taken place are bad, the overall effect of these changes on society has been a negative one, creating a generation of fatherlessness, increased crime, and a general lack of respect for authority in any form.For generations it has been a man’s responsibility to provide for his family. Women were rarely even accepted into the workforce until after WWII. However, government encouragement for women to enter the labor force during the war, in combination with the rising feminist movement started a tidal wave movement of women pursuing higher education and careers. Women currently make up the majority of the workforce and 60% of all college graduates (Rosin). Donnalyn Pompper, a professor at Temple University, expands on this further in her article about the masculine gender role conflict theory.She explains that that after WWII, the increased female presence in the labor force â€Å"destabilized the breadwinner role as a basis for male identity, and now men must accept working wives and a more active parental role† (Pompper). And while it is true that the shift to equal opportunity in the workforce is almost universally agreed upon as a positive change, the balance and delicateness of the male psyche and ego are seldom taken into consideration. For many men, the ability to provide for one’s family is an integral part of the definition of masculinity.In interviews conducted by Dr. Pompper, when asked to individually define masculinity, a reoccurring theme in both the younger and older men interviewed was the ability to provide for one’s family. One of the young men interviewed said, â€Å"Being masculine means you are able to look at your wife and say ‘I got this’. To be able to look at your kids and say ‘I’ve got you’. That to me is the epitome of masculinity†¦being able, at the end of the day, to look at your family and say, ‘get on my back, I’ve got you the rest of the way’. Another man expressed similar feelings and said, â€Å"I think that every guy feels like itâ⠂¬â„¢s his place not to be the stay home Dad† (Pompper). Even in today’s forward thinking society, men are wired to be the provider. To take that role completely away is emasculating to him and leaves him feeling like he is unnecessary in the home. Although a family where, either both parents, or just the mother provide financially may be a little tough on the male ego, it is not detrimental. Provider is not the only established male role, protector and ‘head of the house’ are equally important to the equation.The traditional man of the 1960’s was indisputably the head of his home. There was a clear hierarchy, and while the husband and wife still often worked as a team, the culture of the time dictated that a man was undeniably in charge of his home, and his family. In many ways, this has been one of the most distinct changes between the 1960’s and 2012. Because men are no longer the sole breadwinner for their home, they are required to spend a larger portion of their time taking an active role in the home. No longer is the kitchen and house exclusively a woman’s domain, but rather shared by both parties.Men are expected to help out around the house and with the children, as much as women are. The idea of â€Å"team parenting† has evolved and taken root in today’s society, and has had excellent outcomes. Research has shown that children who are raised by two parents (a mother and a father specifically) have greater cognitive ability and success rates than children whose fathers are absent or uninvolved (Hofferth). This style of parents working together as a team to raise their children has been a great strategy, but looking at the big picture, it is shown that â€Å"Team parenting† has also unknowingly created some problems.Studies have shown that a child’s success throughout their life is largely dependent on the structure of their childhood (Hofferth). Given that men’s taking a more proactive role in the home and in the lives of their children is a good thing, the way that it has been approached has been problematic because it has undermined the hierarchy of the home. Similar to a man’s need to be the provider is the need to be the protector of his home. In addition, a man is not the only one who craves a distinctive hierarchy in the home, so do the children. According to Dr. David Bjorklund and Dr.Anthony Pellegrini, children need a clear authority figure. Often times by approaching parenting as a team and as equals, the mother and father undermine each other’s authority (Bjorklund, Pellegrini). Furthermore, without a specific and defined role, the position of father has been diminished as unimportant. For generations men have been noted as head of the house, and hailed for that important position. However, without that distinct role to play, it begins to seem like they’re participation is unnecessary as their wife is obviously much better suited to caring for and developing relationship with a child.These personal misgivings in combination with the media reinforcing the idea that the father role is superfluous, are huge contributors to why more and more fatherlessness is becoming the social epidemic of the generation (Pompper). This is an important issue that needs to be addressed, because Fathers are vital to the family unit. In their article about the role of fathers in children’s development, Amanda Quesenberry M. Ed. , Michaelene M. Ostrosky Ph. D. , and Robert Corso Ph. D. , note â€Å"Fathers are critical members of the family system who influence their children and their families in unique ways† (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso).The article states that even in today’s society, father’s hold a huge amount of influence over society, enough that their presence and involvement is necessary to not only the success of the family as a unit, but also to the individual children. However, since the importance of fathers and fatherhood has not been stressed, and in fact the opposite has been emphasized, approximately one out of every 3 children does not have an active father or father figure in their lives (Hofferth). Acceptance and affection from a father or father figure is vital to a child’s cognitive development, and recent statistics how that behavioral problems among children, adolescents, and young adults with no active father in their lives are far greater than those of children living with both a father and a mother (Quesenberry, Ostrosky, Corso), and also tend to deal with one or more of the following issues: personality and psychological adjustment problems, behavioral problems (including aggression towards people and animals, property destruction, deceitfulness, and theft), delinquency, and psychopathology (substance abuse, depression) (Rohner).The rate of violent crimes have gone up roughly 300% since the 1960’s, and of the juveniles who ha ve been incarcerated for serious crimes 70% of them have been raised with no real father figure. In addition, 70% of all girls who become pregnant were raised without fathers (Lykken). These alarming numbers demonstrate the profound effect a father can have on the development, and therefore future of a child. The final issue that has come out of male’s displacement from his traditional roles is a generation with no respect for authority. Teachers are having increasing difficulties with classroom control.Students no longer have it ingrained in them to respect their elders, and as a result don’t care what the teacher or the principal say. Because school is no longer a priority to students like this, the drop out rate has increased significantly, with just over half of all dropouts being fatherless (Lykken). In today’s economy, it is next to impossible to find a job without at least a high school diploma, and employers no longer have to put up with any employee who cannot do what they are told, because there is someone who would be happy to take their place who most likely has more experience or education and can do what they are told.To conclude, while equal opportunity is beneficial and has helped to move our society forward, it has also drastically changed the traditional male role. And while some of these changes are good ones, they unfortunately have had negative effects due to people’s ignorance of the possible consequences. For example, it is good that women have been able to pursue their goals and passions in the workforce, and it is good that men are able to help out more at home. However, what is not good is that men have become completely displaced from many of the roles that, to them, define them as men.The way their roles have changed has slowly and subconsciously emasculated and caused them to doubt their importance and purpose in the family unit, which in turn has led to a growing number of fatherless children, increased crime rate, and a lack of respect for any kind of authority. Works Cited Bjorklund, David F, and Anthony D. Pellegrini. â€Å"Child Development and Evolutionary Psychology. † Child Development. 71. 6 (2000): 1687-708. Print. 05 Mar. 2012 Hofferth, Sandra L. â€Å"Residential Father Family Type and Child Well-Being: Investment Versus Selection. † Demography. 43. 1 (2006): 53-77. Print. 03 Mar. 2012. Pompper, Donnalyn. Masculinities, the Metrosexual, and Media Images: Across Dimensions of Age and Ethnicity. † Sex Roles. 63 (2010): 9-10. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Quesenberry, Amanda, Michaelene Ostrosky, and Robert Corso. â€Å"Skilled and Knowledgeable Caregivers: the Role of Fathers in Supporting Young Children's Development. † Young Exceptional Children. 10. 4 (2007): 11-19. Print. 05 Mar. 2012. Rohner, Ronald P. â€Å"Father Love and Child Development: History and Current Evidence. † Current Directions in Psychological Science. 7. 5 (1998): 157-161. Pr int. 03 Mar. 2012. Rosin, Hanna. â€Å"The End of Men. † July-Aug. 2010. The Atlantic. Web. 03 Mar. 2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Humanities and Architecture †Gio Ponti Essay

Sculpture is created by merging durable or plastic material, commonly stone either rock or marble, limestone, ivory, and/or granite. Sculptures are created through carving and/or assembled, built together and welded, or molded by sculptors. In addition, sculptures are three-dimensional art-work that can be seen commonly in public places. In renaissance period, many sculptors were known in Europe. Some of the sculptors known in continental Europe were Giovanni and Michelangelo. Example of a sculpture is the Pantheon that was made by Marcus Agrippa, a Roman sculptor. On the other hand, architecture can be defined through as process and as a profession. As a process, architecture is the act of drafting and constructing buildings and other physical structures, principally to draft buildings. In literary context, architecture takes into account more of the designs of the structures. From the macro level of how a building combines with its surrounding landscape (e. g. rural design, and landscape architecture) to the micro level of construction details and, sometimes, furniture, architecture plays a major role in its construction. Basically, architecture is the activity of drafting any variety of system. System integration Merging architecture and sculpture in modern world is called Archi-Sculpture. Innovations applied in construction and project designs through modern day technologies and discoveries new materials allowed architects to draft buildings with sculpture type designs. One of the purpose of mixing architecture and sculpture in buildings make sense in designing structures that are historical, exquisite and scenic depending on the type/kind of buildings. Example of structures in which Archi-sculpture can be seen includes Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and Crypt of the Church of Colonia Guell by Gaudi. Implicitly, sculpture and architecture are two different areas of studies which are overlapping in nature. Sculpture became more useful and tectonic, making a link with the geometric designs which are fundamentals of architecture. Likewise, architecture became revolutionary with the used of sculptural concepts and/or ideas. In example, the dramatic architecture of R. Steiner defined the propinquity between anthropomorphous architecture and figurative sculpture. In our modern day living, the Blob architecture of Greg Lynn and Lars Spuybroek are examples of Archi-sculpture. The pre-World War II era (1900’s) was recognized as the Age of Sculpture, today. In the history of architecture, the curved walls in Gallery exemplify a good example of sculptural style in modern day structural design. On the whole, sculpture and architecture are two different studies that can be mixed, wherein statues and buildings complement to each other, designs and drafts could include sculpture concepts, and sculptures are better seen along and within structures. Demarcation between sculpture and architecture Sculptors are the laborers of their own work. They are the ones who carves, mould rocks, stones, and marbles to make statues and figures. Unlike architects, they are only responsible for the design of the buildings. They are not the ones who make the buildings; the engineers are the ones who implement/follow the designs of the architects. In addition, sculptures are more of aesthetics, beautifications, historical and part of culture. Architecture focus on how to design structures, involves drafting, used of materials, designs, used of geometric forms, and concerns with space. While the rationale of sculpture is to entertain, architecture’s focal point is to create/draft structures. Consequently, sculpture is more of subjective (art) than objective nature (and vice versa for architecture concepts). Gaudi and Mies architectural style Gaudi’s gothic architecture was remembered as stylistic insult during the later part of renaissance. It was described with pointed arch, the ribbed vault and flying buttress. Many of the old churches, universities, castles, and palaces were designed using gothic architecture. The Sagrada Familia, one of Gaudi’s greatest designs, combines sculptural and architectural ideas. Until today, the construction of Sagrada Familia is still continuing. With the project’s vast scale and peculiar design, Barcelona made its way in top tourist attractions in the world. Its style was celebrated as irregular and fantastically obscure. Gaudi’s architectural style describes a complete and straightforward method, providing an example of the spontaneous and basic methods. His artistic style allowed him to attain balanced forms comparable to which nature offers. Gaudi’s architecture portrays the totality of his artistic contribution of combining materials, methods and poetics (which is sculptural). His approach to furniture design was a graceful spatial continuum that goes beyond structural expression and integrates with the sculptural idea. Conversely, Mies structural designs of traditional custom houses were pulled away by critics/progressive theorists for attaching historical ornament unrelated to a modern structure’s underlying construction. The earth-resting structure of Mies defies the concept of earth-rooted type of architecture. Critics suggest Mies designs which do not reflect to the environment. The structures built by him do not complement with the landscape or the environment itself. Mies architectural designs are more of an isolated type of structures which doesn’t fit to most of the people’s interest. Earth-resting architecture does not relate to the earth or landscape of the buildings which appears to be off-nature to the progressive theorists/critics of Mies.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Leadership - stratigic communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership - stratigic communication - Essay Example These researches have also found that the absence of the negative qualities of arrogance, hostility, boastfulness, egotism, and passivity are correlated with positive leadership (Romney, 1996). A leader must stand firm even in the presence of criticisms, but still having the courage to admit his mistakes. Leaders are good listeners. An effective leader listens emphatically and welcomes ideas and inputs from the team. This promotes harmony within the team. Leaders are good decision makers. An effective leader, who is focused, authentic, courageous and emphatic, must also have the proper timing in making and executing decisions. A great leader uses time as his ally. Leaders prioritize and move with appropriate speed. Time management is the important parts of good leadership. It is also important to set an example to the team through proper time management. Building a strong leadership is all about building a performing team. Leadership needs to earn the trust of its team and the leaders have confidence in their team. A leader is always pleasant and friendly to all his team members. Above all a good leader is always generous in praising and recognizing each individual who is a performer and appreciate all contributions, big and small. A leader must project fearlessness in facing challenges (Smith, 2005). Leadership is all about communicating to people their worth and potential. It is the influence on others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their potential, that truly defines leadership (Khan, 2005). Leadership is influence. Leadership is important because it influences the destiny of people. Leadership also determines, to a large extent, what a group of people will be able to achieve. Leadership moves people towards common goals, principles and values. G ood leadership enables people to work together well, and realize their potential. Good leadership results in strong

Friday, September 27, 2019

Determine Specific heat capacity of water and metals Essay

Determine Specific heat capacity of water and metals - Essay Example During the experiment, precautionary measures were observed in order to prevent accidents by adhering to laboratory rules and regulations. While handling hot objects, direct contact was avoided and tongs were used to handle the metals. While transferring metals, splashing of hot water was prevented through gentle removal and dipping of the metal and thermometers in the beakers. To ensure that the metal cooled enough, running cold water on the metal surface and then dried. Measure the mass of the empty beaker record it, and then pour 500ml or 0.5 kg water into the beaker and measure the total mass. The mass of water is determened by subtracting the mass of the beaker from the total mass and recorded the mass (m). The table illustrates the data collected in the respective timeline during the experiment and recorded immediately. The data helps in drawing a chart that can be use to determine the value of R2 that is the line of best fit that is supposed to be 1. The chart is drawn from the data in Table 3 which will facilitate determining the closeness to the theoretical R2=1. From the chart the R2= 0.9913 which is very close to the optimum theoretical value. The equation of the trend line is y = 50.774x - 1266.6 that provides for a gradient of 50.774 and with a constant value of -1266.6. The specific heat capacity obtained for Water trial1 was (4076.25 J kg-1 â„Æ' -1) and trial2 (4080 J kg-1 â„Æ' -1). The specific heat capacity obtained for Aluminium was (890.37 J kg-1 â„Æ' -1) and that of Copper was (387.738 J kg-1 â„Æ' -1). Comparing these values with theoretical values, water, aluminium, copper are respectably (4185 J kg-1 â„Æ' -1), 897 (J kg-1 â„Æ' -1) and 385 (J kg-1 â„Æ' -1) (The Engineering Toolbox, n.d.), we can note a slight difference in the values. The values are not exactly the same as the theoretical values. The experimental error  is 2.25%. There are some explanations for this. Heat is lost to the surrounding during the transfer of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Active Volcanoes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Active Volcanoes - Essay Example Mount Merapi literally means â€Å"Fire Mountain† in Indonesia and is an active stratovolcano located on the border between central Java and Yogjakarta. On the other hand, Laki is a legendary Icelandic volcano, which has lain dormant since its huge eruption in 1783. Satellite technology now makes it possible to monitor volcanic activity in even the most isolated corners of the globe and to routinely observe changes in the Earth’s surface that may signal an impending eruption. This help identifies those volcanoes presenting the greatest danger. The MODIS Thermal Alert System, also known as MODVOLC, now enables scientists to detect volcanic activity anywhere in the world within hours of its occurrence. Using MODVOLC, volcanologists have seen many active volcanoes that previously went undetected. Aside from serious disasters posed to humans and property, active volcanoes also produce serious environmental effects. The commonly-known threat a volcano can present is the flow of super-heated rock known as lava. This lava causes fires and will destroy everything in its path. In addition, a tsunami can develop and damage shorelines. Furthermore, active volcanoes have an intense impact on the stratosphere, the second layer of the atmosphere. Gases released from the eruption convert sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid, which condenses in the stratosphere. This greenhouse gas traps heat in the atmosphere. Volcanoes produce sulfate aerosols, which affect the surface temperature of the earth. A volcanic eruption promotes chemical reactions that alter chlorine and nitrogen which destroys the ozone layer. Moreover, hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride are released by volcanic activity and dissolved in water droplets in steam clouds.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Coup in Honduras of 2009 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coup in Honduras of 2009 - Research Paper Example At the same time, the 2009 Honduras coup demonstrated the weakness of inter-American system of conflict settlement, as well as the absence of political will on the side of the U.S. to live up to its own commitment to promoting the principle of legitimate elected government in the Western Hemisphere. The presidency of Manuel Zelaya proved to be marred by constant conflicts between the executive branch of government and the Congress and judiciary, with the latter being bitterly opposed to the redistributive economic policies proposed by the president. Even though Zelaya had been known as a relatively conservative politician before his election on 27 November 2005 , the program of reforms his government embarked on from 2006 onwards was roughly modeled on the measures undertaken by Chavez administration in Venezuela. Among the most prominent policy steps taken by Zelaya government, one should include such measures as the increase in minimum wage, the governmental efforts at modernizing the telephone system, and the general attempts at increasing the well-being of the socially disadvantaged strata of population. The populist socioeconomic program undertaken by Zelaya, nonetheless, relied on the growth in bureaucratic apparatus directly controlled by the president, which led to increase in corruption and notable authoritarian tendencies in the conduct of the government. The fact that the implementation of Zelaya’s policies coincided with the first shots of the global economic crisis being experienced as early as the late 2006, did not add efficiency to his government. Moreover, Zelaya’s foreign policy, which was aimed at limiting traditional ties with the U.S. and launching closer partnership with Venezuela and Bolivia within such inter-governmental structures and bodies as ALBA, alienated the wide strata of Honduran population that were opposed to increased entente with Chavez, as well as the traditional political elites that feared further ‘soc ialist’ policies and resented breaking ties with the U.S. The last factor that led to coalescing of anti-Zelaya forces around conservative opposition and the military was the president’s efforts at revising the national constitution that became the source of controversy in March to June 2009. On 23 March Zelaya declared his attention to add the fourth ballot to the future election that was to be held in November 2009. The president’s intention was that of convening the constituent assembly that was to revise the constitution of Honduras. A preliminary poll for ascertaining the desirability of convening the constitutional assembly was due to be held on 28 June 2009, according to Zelaya’s plans. The media controlled by traditional oligarchy launched an anti-Zelaya campaign, while the government made use of its new powers to impose pro-government reporting on some national media3. The resulting controversy pitted the key national political forces – th e Conservatives and Liberals – against each other, while the Liberal Party found itself split

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human Resource Management for Service Industries Essay

Human Resource Management for Service Industries - Essay Example Organisations that have efficient HRM enable their workers to contribute productively and effectively to the overall enterprise direction and the achievement of the business goals and objectives. This essay is going to explain HRM by analyzing its role and purpose in the service industry and justify a human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for the restaurant service business. The essay will explain the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses by assessing the current state of employment relations in the restaurant service industry and discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources in a hospitality organization. The essay will finally discuss the recruitment and selection process by explaining job description and person specification through examples from a hospitality organization and then compare the selection methods and practices, barriers to effective selection and selection processes in different service industries. Wilkinson and Kannan (2013) defined HRM as a process of employing and developing workers so that they can become more helpful to the business and hence achieving the business targets more efficiently. The HRM conducts the job analysis, plans the personnel needs, recruits the individuals for various jobs, orients, and trains, manages wages and salaries, provides incentives and benefits, resolves disputes, evaluates performances, and communicates with the employees at all the levels. Individuals employed as human resource managers need to have extensive knowledge and skills of the industry they are working, portray excellent leadership capabilities and efficient negotiation skills. Kusluvan (2003) noted that restaurants are fast growing businesses that require the guidance of the HR to supervise activities such as performance management, recruitment, and staying in compliance with food-handling regulations and

Monday, September 23, 2019

First assist surgical study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

First assist surgical - Case Study Example It involves cutting the linking parts and then conducting a usual vaginal surgery to take away specimen from the body. 1. Organ Structure function: The ovaries are two glands that are a constituent of the female reproductive system and are responsible for production of ova. Each of them is oval in shape and almost equal to the almond in size. They are found near the fallopian tubes in the tangential wall of the pelvis in an enclosure referred to as ovarian fossa. Each of the ovaries is connected to the fimbria of the fallopian tube. Three incisions will be made. These can be seen by the patient. The first one is to accommodate the telescope and is within or close to the navel. The other cuts are done in the lower part of the abdomen. These are 5mm long while the first is 1 cm in length (Petri et al. 170). Another slit is done at the top of the vagina to remove the needed material for analysis. The patient will wake up in the recovery room after the procedure and after the effects of the anaesthetic diminish. Some patients might require an oxygen mask to assist in the inhalation of oxygen ((Querleu, Leblanc and Castelain 580). Lukanovic, A; Drazic, K (2010). "Risk factors for vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy". International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics: the official organ of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 110 (1): 27–30. Petri Nahà ¡s, E.; Pontes, A.; Nahas-Neto, J.; Borges, V.; Dias, R.; Traiman, P. (2005). "Effect of total abdominal hysterectomy on ovarian blood supply in women of reproductive age". Journal of ultrasound in medicine  : official journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 24 (2):

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Individual Improvement Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Individual Improvement Plan - Essay Example First, my intellectual skills, especially personal emphasis on mental activity worked well in this project because it required effective problem-solving skills. The complexity of the project required the team to seek alternative solutions to problems. This task matched my skills. I would apply personal reflection and introspection to gain motivation to complete the task. Further, I feel that my commanding style applied in presenting the scenarios as well as moving the team forward in moments when we would have stalled. Once we established the project goals, I developed a clear map of what I wanted achieved. Negotiations with the other team members allowed us to create synergies and complete the project in time. May contributions were to the team were exceptional because I am a competitive individual, and thus I wanted to be the best. However, this was apparent. All the individual tasks that I performed in this project related well with my inquisitive nature. A personal reflection about the activity shows that I can achieve better results by focusing more on my strengths as a programmatic learner. Therefore, I should seek opportunities for hands-on training. I would require demonstration from an acknowledged expert. Overall, this means that my personal learning style can help support growth and development activities during the proposed hands-on training activity. This is especially important because it links well with my pragmatics

Saturday, September 21, 2019

More and More on Technology Essay Example for Free

More and More on Technology Essay They are the ‘machines’ which just receive their leaders’ requirements and relying on machines to complete without thinking. Becoming shortsighted and lose their belief, human act just for only financial purpose, regarding the progress and the negative effects. There have been many crises appearing one by one at the aspect of environmental pollution, religious conflicts and the injustice in the social wealth. For example, the Rhine has lost the beauty described by Friedrich HÃ ¶lderlin, a major German lyric poet, and been forced to be cut off and be a hydropower station to produce electricity as a slave to sever for human. Nature has changed its role, losing its previous holy, and become a serious of progress of being exploded, transformation, storage and distribution. There is not anybody like the Indians in New Mexico, refusing to use steel plough to tillage. Why? Is it just a rejection of using the plough? It’s absolutely not. At the aspect of Indians, land is their mother and they should respect and protect her as a part of their bodies and using the steel plough to cultivate the land equals to doing harm to their mother. Itis not a foolish behavior. In contrast,it completely shows they still have the loyalty and the pure soul comparing with those numb people lost in the frigid material world. What’s more, human are just rescued by technology but lose in their own dilemma created by themselves. For women, suffering from the twisted complex ethics and aesthetics, they are on the heavier social pressure of every behavior given by the followed medium. Even the weight, the figure and the action of the every part of their body are strictly required and involved in their ethics. They have to limit their desire to make the body slim and the culture of blind diet and losing weight, causing women live in a nervous station and get psychological disease. To sum up, technology, different from machine, is a dynamic progress where human use machine system to communicate with the nature to balance the relative relationships. It is a positive product of human exploring the objective world but human cannot rely on to seriously. Though most of people are the user of new technology and not the finder, our thought should not be limited by technology. We should consider how to use the technology to make the world harmonious and serve human more effectively.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reviewing Ibn Khaldun An Important Figure And Icon Religion Essay

Reviewing Ibn Khaldun An Important Figure And Icon Religion Essay Ibn-Khaldun is one of the most important figures and icons in the fields of History, Philosophy and Sociology in the Muslim history and culture. He opened new chapters in the world of history and played an important role in introducing new notions related to economics and the way of pricing, policing, profiting and other aspects of world economics. Ibn-Khaldun lived a life in search for stability and influence. His full name is AbÃ…Â « Zayd Abdu r-Raà ¡Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¥man bin Muà ¡Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ ¥ammad bin KhaldÃ…Â «n Al-Hadrami. He was born in Tunisia on the 1st of Ramadan 732 A.H. (May 27, 1332 A.D). He came from a family of Scholars and Politicians. His family was originally from Hadramawt in Yemen and had settled in Spain, but after the fall of Seville, they migrated to Tunisia where he was born. He received an early education from his father and memorized the Holy Quran at a young age. He was taught Hadith, Jurisprudence, Philology, Grammar, Rhetoric and Poetry in which he reached certain proficiency and received certification on. Ibn-Khaldun was introduced to Mathematics, Logic and Philosophy by the great mathematician and philosopher Al-Abili. Under Al-Abili Ibn-Khaldun studied the works of Averroes, Avicenna, Razi and Tusi which helped in widening up his horizons. At the age of 19 a terrible epidemic of the plague coming from the East hit Tunisia which ravaged the world and claimed many victims in the country, among which Ibn-Khalduns parents. This was the first traumatic experience in Ibn-Khalduns life, which had an undoubted influence on the direction of his thoughts. Due to this Epidemic Ibn-Khaldun wanted to migrate to Morocco with some of Tunisias Ulammas and Sheiks but was convinced by his elder brother to stay in Tunisia.  [1]   After the migration of most of Tunisias Ulamma and Sheikhs, Ibn-Khaldun decided to get more involved in the court politics by seeking a political career. At the age of 20, Ibn-Tafrakin (the ruler of Tunis) called Ibn-Khaldun to fill in the position of KÄ tib al-AlÄ mah. This Position consisted of writing calligraphy (the typical introductory notes of official documents). It is here when Ibn-Khaldun got his first hand look at the inner workings of court politics and the weakness of the government. In 713 A.H. (1352 A.D.), The Sultan of Constantine Abu Ziad Al Hifsy Marched with his army towards Tunisia in order to reclaim it back from Ibn-Tafrakin and restore its throne back to Banu Hifs. Ibn-Khaldun accompanied Ibn-Tafrakin with his forces in order to stop Abu Ziad. Unfortunately Ibn-Tafrakin lost the battle and Ibn-Khaldun Escaped to Algeria and settled in Biskra where he got married. During that same time the Moroccan Sultan Abu Enan who had recently settled on the throne after the death of his father was on his way to Conquer Algeria. On his way to join him in Telmcen Ibn-Khaldun met Ibn Abi Amr the Marinid Chamberlain (the appointed governor of Bougie), who welcomed him and invited him to stay in his new residence. After living there for some time Ibn-Khaldun was invited to join the Council of Ulama in Fez. Ibn-Khaldun was Officially Part of Sultan Abu Enan majlisu al-ilmi (literacy Circle) and afterwards was part of his secretariat. Ibn-Khaldun used his Stay in Fez to further increase his learning and studies, he writes, I devoted myself to reflection and to study, and to sitting at the feet of the great teachers, those of the Maghrib as well as those of Spain who were residing temporarily in Fez, and I benefited greatly from their teaching  [2]  . It is said that Ibn-Khaldun took advantage of the Sultans Illness and took part in a plot that aims to free t he former Sultan of Bougie Abu Abd Allah and to re-establish him to his former kingdom. Ibn-Khaldun himself Denis this and refers to intrigues, jealousy and malice; however whats certain is that he was thrown in jail for 2 whole years (758-9 A.H./1357-8 A.D.) until the death of the sultan Abu Enan. After that Ibn-Khaldun was set free and reinstated to his rank and offices by the vizier al-Hasan ibn-Umar. After being set free and gaining back his position Ibn-Khaldun started to scheme against Abu Enans successor, Abu Salem Ibrahim III, with his exiled uncle, Abu Salem. When Abu Salem became the Sultan he appointed Ibn-Khaldun to the office of Secretary of the Chancellery (kitabat al-sirr wa l-tarsil) and the repository of his confidence (Amin as-Sir). Ibn-Khaldun even became the court-poet  [3]  . When the Sultan Abu Salem was overthrown by his Vizier Omar, Ibn-Khaldun sided with the Vizier which helped keeping him in his post, but when Ibn-Khaldun wanted to gain a higher position, his request was refused (Probably because he wasnt trusted). This Refusal made Ibn-Khaldun angry which resulted in him resigning his position. Ibn-Khaldun then requested the Vizier to leave Fez and to head back to Tunisia which in turn was refused by the angry Vizier. It was then when Ibn-Khaldun asked the Viziers son-in-law to plead on his behalf to be allowed to go to Andalusia. In autumn 764 A.H./136 2 A.D. he finally obtained permission to withdraw to Granada. In Granada Ibn-Khaldun was deeply welcomed since at Fez he assisted the Sultan of Granada, Muhammad al-Ahmar, in regaining his throne and power after being exiled by his brother Ismail. In 1364 A.D. Sultan Muhammad entrusted Ibn-Khaldun with an important diplomatic mission to conclude a peace treaty with the King of Castile, Pedro the Cruel. Ibn-Khaldun successfully carried out his mission and was offered a position in Pedros service, Which Ibn-Khaldun respectfully declined. There was a great competition between Ibn-Khaldun and Sultan Muhammads vizier Ibn al-Khatib. Ibn al-Khatib viewed the relationship between Ibn-Khaldun and Sultan Muhammad with great mistrust. Few years later, Ibn-Khaldun was sent back to North Africa and Al-Khatib was accused by Sultan Muhammad of having unorthodox philosophical views and was murdered. In Africa Ibn-Khaldun was warmly welcomed by the Hafisid Sultan of Bougie Abu Abdallah who made him his Prime minister. During this Period Ibn-Khaldun was assigned to collect taxes from the local Berber tribes. In 1366 A.D. when Sultan Abu Abdallah died, Ibn-Khaldun allied himself with AbÃ…Â « l-Abbas, the ruler of Tlemcen. A few years later the ruler of Tlemcen, AbÃ…Â « l-Abbas was defeated by Abdu l-AzÄ «z who seized the throne for himself. Ibn-Khaldun was then taken as a prisoner by Abdu l-AzÄ «z until 1370 A.D. when he was sent to Telemcen by the new Sultan. After the death of Abdu l-AzÄ «z, Ibn-Khaldun resided at Fez, where he was patronage by the regent and enjoyed his confidence. In 1375 Ibn-Khaldun was sent by AbÃ…Â « Hammu (the Abdu l Wadid Sultan of Tlemcen) on a mission to the Dawadida Arabs tribes of Biskra. Thereafter, Ibn-Khaldun traveled back to the west of Algeria where he sought refuge with one of the Berber tribes and settled in the tow n of Qalat Ibn Salama. He lived under their protection for three years in which he wrote his famous Muqaddimah or Prolegomena (which is the introduction to his planned history of the world). In 1378 A.D He returned back to Tunisia, which was at that time conquered by AbÃ…Â « l-Abbas. AbÃ…Â « l-Abbas took Ibn-KhaldÃ…Â «n back into his service. During that time Ibn-KhaldÃ…Â «n devoted himself for his studies and for the completion of history of the world. He wrote, To live in retirement and devote myself exclusively to learning, if only I might be left in peace  [4]  . Ibn-Khaldun, s relationship with AbÃ…Â « l-Abbas remained tense and awkward, as the latter questioned his loyalty. In order for Ibn-KhaldÃ…Â «n to escape his awkward political past that kept following him he decided to leave the Muslim West under the pretence of going to Hajj (Pilgrimage) which is something a Muslim ruler cannot refuse Permission for, and on 24 October 1382A.D./15 Shaban 784A .H. at the ripe age of 50 Ibn-Khaldun left Tunisia and embarked on a boat sailing to Alexandria. During that time and under the Mamluks, Egypt was experiencing a period of economic development, high culture prosperity. But even when Ibn-Khaldun lived in Egypt he couldnt stay completely out of the political life and politics. In 1384 A.D. Ibn-Khaldun was made a Professor of the Qamhiyyah School and a main Qadi of the Malik School of fiqh (jurisprudence) by the Egyptian Sultan Al-Malik udh-Dhahir Barquq. Ibn-Khaldun tried to fight the Corruption and favoritism in the country but due to the Conspiracies that surrounded him he resigned his duty. His resignation coincided with the death of his family and children, when the ship carrying them sank off the coast of Alexandria in 1384 A.D. It was then when he took permission to go to the Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands of Mecca. After returning from his Pilgrimage journey in May 1388 A.D Ibn-Khaldun concentrated more on providing pure educational functions in the various Schools of Cairo. Moreover, in a certain time during a revolt against the Barquq, Ibn-Khaldun fell out of favor at the court. Later after that the relations with the Barquq returned to normal and Ibn-Khaldun once again received the Title of the Maliki Qadi. Throughout his life Ibn-Khaldun received this high title six times, which for many different reasons he never held long to. In 1401, under the Baquqs successor his son Sultan Faraj, Ibn-Khaldun took part in a military campaign against the Mongolian conquest and its leader Tamerlane. Accompanying Sultan Faraj, Ibn-Khaldun marched to Damascus where reports confirmed the arrival of Tamerlanes war Party. The young and inexperienced Faraj only stayed in Damascus for two weeks and returned back to Egypt leaving his army in Syria after concerns about a revolt in Egypt. Ibn-Khaldun remained behind in Damascus for another seven weeks where a series of Historical negotiations went between him and Tamerlane that Ibn-Khaldun mentions in his Autobiography. They Discussed Various Subjects that many where unrecorded. W. Fischel lists 6 specific topics which they talked about: Maghrib and Ibn Khalduns Land of origin. Heroes in History. Predictions of things to come. the Abbsid Caliphate Amnesty and security For Ibn Khaldun and his Companion. Ibn Khalduns intention to stay with Tamerlane.  [5]   After recognizing Tamerlane Intentions and impressing him enough that he asked ibn-Khaldun to join his court, Ibn-Khaldun returned back to Egypt with his final departing words to Tamerlane Is there any generosity left beyond that which you have already shown me? You have heaped favors upon me, accorded me a place in your council among your intimate followers, and shown me kindness and generosity- which I hope Allah will repay to you in like measures.  [6]   Ibn-Khaldun spent the next five years in Cairo completing his autobiography, writing his history of the word and acting as the Maliki Qadi. Due to various political reasons Ibn-Khaldun was dismissed and reinstated three times during these five years as the Maliki Qadi. In addition, Ibn-Khaldun formed an all male club called Rijal Hawa Rijal that attracted the attention of many religious authorities and placed him under arrest. Ibn-Khaldun Passed away on the 19th of March 1406 A.D. / 26 Ramadan 808 A.H. one month after being appointed for the sixth time for the office of the Maliki Qadi. During his life Ibn-Khaldun produced a lot of work and books some that was unfortunately lost. Ibn-Khalduns main work KitÄ bu l-ʆ¢ibÄ r was originally written as a history of the Berbers. Later on the Ibn-Khalduns focus widens and represents a so-called universal history in it. KitÄ bu l-ʆ¢ibÄ r is divided into seven main books; the first one is the Muqaddimah which can be considered as a separate work. The Muqaddimah or the Prolegomena was written in North African in 1377 and records an early Muslim view of universal history. The Muqaddimah also Deals with several topics and disciplines such as sociology, politics, urban life, economics, and knowledge. British historian Arnold J. Toynbee called the Muqaddimah a philosophy of history which is undoubtedly the greatest work of its kind that has ever yet been created by any mind in any time or place.  [7]  Other than that, Books two, three, four and five cover the history of mankind up t o Ibn-Khalduns time, and Finally Books six and seven cover the history of the Berber people and Maghreb. Other works of ibn-Khaldun, LubÄ bu l-Muhassal which is a commentary on the Islamic theology of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi and was written by Ibn-Khaldun at the age of nineteen in Tunis. SifÄ u l-SÄ I is a work on Sufism and was written by Ibn-Khaldun around 1373 in Fes, Morocco. ʆ¢allaqa li-l-SultÄ n, a work on logic was composed by Ibn-Khaldun during his time in the court of Muhammed V, Sultan of Granada. The British philosopher Robert Flint wrote the following on Ibn-Khaldun: As a theorist on history he had no equal in any ageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Plato, Aristotle and Augustine were not his peers.  [8]  . To Conclude, Ibn-Khaldun is considered an important figure and icon in the fields of History, Philosophy and Sociology in the Muslim history, culture and in the world. Ibn-Khaldun remains today a witness on the greatness of the Islamic thought distinguished by the accuracy, the scientific seriousness and the ability on the renewal to enrich the human thought. His Introduction is his greatest legacy he left for all of humanity and for the generations to come.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Great Depression in America :: essays research papers fc

October 29th, 1929, a day in history that I will never forget. My name is Bob Bigsby, and I survived The Great Depression. My survival was all due to two of the hardest working people I have ever met, my mom and dad. It was just the three of us living in our small two-bedroom house in New York City, right outside of Manhattan, home to Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. I was 11 years old at the beginning of the Depression; old enough to remember some of the worst sights and experiences I have encountered till this day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Black Tuesday, October 29th, 1929, was, as I remember, the day that the whole stock market went to hell (Gupta 17). All the stocks began to plummet at the fastest speeds ever recorded in history. There are many arguments of how and why the stocks did crash on October 29th. I believe that it was due to President Hoover, the current president at the time, keeping the Federal Reserve from expanding the money supply while bank panics and billions of dollars in bank deposits were lost (Gupta 19). Basically, the stock markets crashing began a chain reaction, which ended in what we call, The Great Depression (Nelson 1). But the how’s and why’s are not very important because nobody really understands that economic â€Å"mumbojumbo† that analysts and experts talk about. The thing that is important is what went on during the Great Depression after Black Tuesday.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Our family had a small turkey farm that contained about 200 some wild turkeys. It was an â€Å"ok† business before the arrival of Black Tuesday. We had to buy the feed for the turkeys on credit because we were just getting started with this business and couldn’t afford to pay for the feed just yet. It was our job to make the turkeys nice and plump so that they would attract customers during Thanksgiving. Last year we made a killing off of our turkey sales, we were able to pay off all our debts and still have enough money for good Christmas presents. My mom and dad were greatly anticipating this years Thanksgiving sale, because we had twice as many turkeys as we did last year. We were only about a month and a half away from Thanksgiving. Spirits were high. I remember just chasing the turkeys in the field without a care in the world.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Tales of Ise and The Tosa Diary Essay -- Literary Analysis

As seen in examples of monogatari such as Tales of Ise or nikki with The Tosa Diary, poetry is a very much used tool in the writings. While other examples of the two writing styles use poetry, these two examples best demonstrate the breaks in the writing style changes from a narrative and turns into something that takes on a more personal voice when it clearly goes into its poetic style. These poems are made to compliment the setting, such as in a poem credited to the former governor in The Tosa Diary where there is a description of the waves as they illustrate the governor’s sadness as he leaves Kyoto (83). Another point seen from this poem is that the governor is meant to be very good at constructing his poems and with it comes an example of a good poem as opposed to something that a commoner would have to write. Likewise, in the tenth of the Tales of Ise there are poems describing the love a man has for a woman while he is also comparing the physical setting, such as the mo untains. There are comparisons to Mt. Fuji and Mt. Utsu while they represent the waiting for his love or the beautiful vision that the man sees in his dreams with his love respectively (75-6). Such images of the scenery as seen alongside the desires or longing of those who write the poems are examples of how the poems are used to strengthen the narrative prose. Without the poems, the narrative prose in either the monogatari or the nikki would simply be a story and the significance would be lessened as there would not be the personal impact emanating from the characters and their feelings since a reader would only be able to read the description of the events and not get a feel of the thoughts from any of the characters. In the very deep illustrations of the... ...d to be a woman in the company of the boat. The significance lies in the possibility that with the different types of poetry in the narrative, the governor presents examples of the types of poems that should be written by different people coming from different classes. Looking back at the narratives and the significance of the poems in them is that many of the poems are inspired by nature around the authors. Also, the poems provide more of the voice of the authors instead of just the voice of the narrator and helps present the emotional tones of the characters in the narratives to the reader so that there can be more of a connection to it when it is being read. The poems make for a simple addition to the narrative and allows for a much more meaningful experience for a reader and makes for a much more engrossing story, thus adding to the to experience as a whole.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

stephen crane :: essays research papers

Stephen Crane was a forerunner of the realistic writers in America after the civil war. His style included the use of impressionism, symbolism, and irony which helped credit him with starting the beginning of modern American Naturalism. Crane’s most famous writing is his war novel The Red Badge of Courage. He is also known for the novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and short stories such as â€Å"The Open Boat† or â€Å"The Blue Hotel.† â€Å"Crane utilized his keen observations, as well as personal experiences, to achieve a narrative vividness and sense of immediacy matched by few American writers before him (5). His unique style did not always follow a plot structure and focused on mental drama as well as external. Stephen Crane was born in Newark, New Jersey on November 1st of 1871. He was the youngest of fourteen children. His father was Reverend Jonathan Crane, a Methodist minister, and his mother Mary Crane was active in church reform. His uncle Jesse Peck was a Methodist bishop and the president of Syracuse University. Even with this religious influence Crane enjoyed playing cards, dancing, drinking, and smoking. â€Å"Crane shunned organized religion but did not reject so much as humanistically redefine God and religious experience† (14). In 1880 his father passed away and the family moved to Asbury Park, New Jersey. That is where Crane began his higher education at Claverack College and the Hudson River Institute. He began to develop an interest in Civil War studies and military training. Crane then went to Lafayette College for a semester followed by Syracuse University for another semester. To earn money he worked as a freelance writer for his brothers who worked at the New York Tribune. He spent most of his college time playing baseball and studying the humanity of people rather than school work. Before leaving college Crane wrote the foundation for his first novel Maggie. Working part time for the New York Tribune Crane gained first-hand knowledge of poverty during this time. He studied city life in the slums of New York and was able to realistically portray this in his writings. During this time he finished the novel Maggie: A Girl of the Streets which was about a young women’s descent into prostitution. The story was rejected by numerous editors as the felt it was too cruel and honest and would shock readers. Eventually he borrowed the money and had it printed under the alias Johnston Smith in 1893.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Software Development Outsourcing

Outsourcing is an arrangement in which one company provides services for another company that could also be or usually have been provided in-house. Nowadays, outsourcing is a trend in a competitive software development and it is expanding all over the world. Software development is very much suitable for the better working of a company. This means that another company is hired to do the task of software development. Outsourcing the software development projects can be advantageous, but sometimes if it is incorrectly executed, it can result to unusable projects. In this article, let's see some of its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of Software Development Outsourcing: Cost efficiency – companies don't have to worry about buying expensive software and hardware. Software development technology indulge it. Lower Training cost – it is very expensive thing to give trainings to the new employees. Normally, three or more days are consumed. So, by hiring services from a software outsourcing company, the time and efforts are saved. Time – due to strict time line of some software projects, it is become required to outsource a component of software development projects in order to meet the time demand of the projects. Software companies take credit of immediate pool of skilled developers. Skills – in a situation like software companies outsource, sometimes need a skilled personnel for software development technologies. The disadvantages of Software Development Outsourcing: Disappointment – companies can produce code of a poor quality. It involves here who will be the responsible for maintaining the code or project. Need of Constant Management – one of the main reason why projects fail because there is no good manager. A leader who is in constant communication to the clients and also understands the needs or requirements of the clients. Testing is more difficult – generally, testing phase is the most difficult stage in system's development life cycle. You will undergo more testing cases. If you test a piece of software that was developed in an offshore in-house and find a problem, so there's a need to communicate to the offshore vendor. This could cause problems because the offshore vendor might not be able to propagate the problem. It could possibly easy to fix the problem if they could see the machine. Or maybe the problem is not properly communicated. These are the different advantages and disadvantages of software development outsourcing.

Review Assessment: Online Assignment One S2 2012 Essay

1.The service department cost allocation method that completely ignores reciprocal services between service departments is called the: Answer Selected Answer: direct method. 2.In order to have a high-quality finished product: Answer Selected Answer: the product’s design specifications must meet customers’ expectations AND the product must meet the standards of its design. 3.The ‘direct method’ ignores the fact that: Answer Selected Answer: some service departments provide services to other service departments 4.Refer to the following data. Direct material used$150 000 Selling costs$5 000 Indirect labour$7 000 Administrative costs$10 000 Depreciation on factory equipment$70 000 Direct labour$40 000 Overtime premiums paid$20 000 Indirect materials$45 000 The product costs are: Answer Selected Answer: $332 000 5.The Casual Furniture Company manufactures outdoor furniture, and incurred the following costs during the month of January. Timber$25 000 Paint$5 000 Glue$500 Wages—assembly personnel$20 000 Wages—factory supervisor$3 500 Factory cleaner’s wages$2 000 Sales commissions$10 000 Administrative staff salaries$4 000 Depreciation—factory equipment$3 000 Depreciation—sales office equipment$1 000 Utilities, insurance—factory$6 000 Utilities, insurance—sales office$2 000 Advertising$8 000 Total costs$90 000 The manufacturing overhead is: Correct Answer: $15 000 6.Cost of Goods Manufactured = Beginning Work in Process + Total Manufacturing Costs – Ending Work in Process. Answer Selected Answer: True 7.When recording inventory in the financial statements, the accounting standards prescribe that the companies use the lower of cost or net realisable value. Answer Selected Answer: True 8.The Lots More Store has a Janitorial Department and a Personnel Department that provide services to three Sales Departments. The Janitorial Department cost is allocated based on space and the Personnel Department cost is allocated based on employees. The following information is available. PersonnelJanitorialSalesSalesSales DeptDept#1#2#3 Budget$45 000$30 000 Space (sq m)4 0001 00020 00030 00050 000 No. of Employees510154530 Using the step-down method, calculate the amount of Janitorial Department cost allocated to Sales Department #2, if the Personnel Department is allocated first. Answer Selected Answer: $10 350 9.Quality of conformance refers to: Answer Selected Answer: the degree to which the product meets its design specifications. 10.Which of the following is not an objective of management accounting? Answer Selected Answer: Providing information for profit and loss statements 11.Appraisal costs refer to costs incurred: Correct Answer: in determining whether defects exist. 12.Leisure Life manufactures a variety of sporting equipment. The firm’s predetermined overhead application rate was 150 per cent of direct labour cost. Job 101 included direct materials of $15 000 and direct labour of $6 000. The manufacturing overhead applied to Job 101 during the year was: Answer Selected Answer: $9 000 13.Which of the following is not a cost of quality? Answer Selected Answer: Productive inefficiency cost 14.If production increases, variable cost will: Correct Answer: remain constant on a per unit basis. 15.The service department cost allocation method that fully accounts for the mutual provision of services between service departments is called the: Answer Selected Answer: reciprocal method. 16.Which of the following statements is correct? Answer Selected Answer: Cost accounting is a subset of management accounting. 17.Richardson & Sons purchased direct material worth $15 000 during the most recent period. At the end of the period the direct material account balance was $6 000 larger than the beginning balance. Cost of goods sold was $150 000. Overhead is applied at 50 per cent of direct labour cost. Other account balances are: BeginningEnding Work in process$75 000$20 000 Finished goods$110 000$60 000 What is the amount of prime cost added to production for the period? Answer Selected Answer: $33 000 18.Product costs comprise: Answer Selected Answer: direct materials, direct labour and manufacturing overhead. 19.The flow of manufacturing costs through the system is: Answer Selected Answer: raw materials inventory; work in process inventory; finished goods inventory; cost of goods sold. 20.Whether a cost is classified as direct or indirect will depend on: Answer Selected Answer: the nature of the cost object AND whether the cost can be economically traced to the cost object. 21.Barrett Industries began the month of June with a finished goods inventory of $15 000. The finished goods inventory at the end of June was $10 000 and the cost of goods sold during the month was $20 000. The cost of goods manufactured during the month of June was: Answer Selected Answer: $15 000 22.In the manufacturing firm, inventories consist of: Answer Selected Answer: raw materials, work in process and finished goods. 23.Which of the following statements is correct in relation to determining whether a cost is direct or indirect? Answer Selected Answer: The wider the definition of the cost object the more costs that will be direct costs. 24.Refer to the following data. Direct material used$150 000 Selling costs$5 000 Indirect labour$7 000 Administrative costs$10 000 Depreciation on factory equipment$70 000 Direct labour$40 000 Overtime premiums paid$20 000 Indirect materials$45 000 The prime costs are: Answer Selected Answer: $190 000 25.A courier company may view kilometres driven as a possible cost driver. Answer Selected Answer: True 26.Rappaport Corporation reported the following data for the month of February: The direct materials cost for February is: Answer Selected Answer: $88,000 27.During the month of August, direct labor cost totaled $13,000 and direct labor cost was 20% of prime cost. If total manufacturing costs during August were $88,000, the manufacturing overhead was: Answer Selected Answer: $23,000 28. Rappaport Corporation reported the following data for the month of February: The adjusted cost of goods sold that appears on the income statement for February is: Answer Selected Answer: $240,000 29.A partial listing of costs incurred at Peggs Corporation during September appears below: The total of the period costs listed above for September is: Answer Selected Answer: $318,000 30.The following data pertain to Harriman Company’s operations during July: The ending finished goods inventory was: Answer Selected Answer: $7,000 31.For the current year, Paxman Company incurred $150,000 in actual manufacturing overhead cost. The Manufacturing Overhead account showed that overhead was overapplied in the amount of $6,000 for the year. If the predetermined overhead rate was $8.00 per direct labor-hour, how many hours were worked during the year? Answer Selected Answer: 19,500 hours 32.Management of Berndt Corporation has asked your help as an intern in preparing some key reports for August. The beginning balance in the raw materials inventory account was $33,000. During the month, the company made raw materials purchases amounting to $62,000. At the end of the month, the balance in the raw materials inventory account was $30,000. Direct labor cost was $46,000 and manufacturing overhead was $74,000. The beginning balance in the work in process account was $13,000 and the ending balance was $19,000. The beginning balance in the finished goods account was $54,000 and the ending balance was $50,000. Sales totaled $270,000. Selling expense was $18,000 and administrative expense was $49,000. The net operating income for August was: Answer Selected Answer: $20,000 33.Management of Berndt Corporation has asked your help as an intern in preparing some key reports for August. The beginning balance in the raw materials inventory account was $33,000. During the month, the company made raw materials purchases amounting to $62,000. At the end of the month, the balance in the raw materials inventory account was $30,000. Direct labor cost was $46,000 and manufacturing overhead was $74,000. The beginning balance in the work in process account was $13,000 and the ending balance was $19,000. The beginning balance in the finished goods account was $54,000 and the ending balance was $50,000. Sales totaled $270,000. Selling expense was $18,000 and administrative expense was $49,000. The cost of goods sold for August was: Answer Selected Answer: $183,000 34.The corporate controller’s salary would be considered a(n): Answer Selected Answer: administrative cost. 35.Choice of allocation base should be made based on: Answer Selected Answer: whether the base actually drives the cost being allocated. 36.The three basic elements of manufacturing cost are direct materials, direct labor, and: Answer Selected Answer: manufacturing overhead. 37.An opportunity cost is: Answer Selected Answer: the benefit forgone by selecting one alternative instead of another. 38.Which terms below correctly describe the cost of the black paint used to paint the dots on a pair of dice? Answer Selected Answer: Choice B 39.Buford Company rents out a small unused portion of its factory to another company for $1,000 per month. The rental agreement will expire next month, and rather than renew the agreement Buford Company is thinking about using the space itself to store materials. The term to describe the $1,000 per month is: Answer Selected Answer: opportunity cost. 40.Cost of goods manufactured will usually include: Answer Selected Answer: some costs incurred during the prior period as well as costs incurred during the current period.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cari Story Essay

How can an infection in Cari nasal passages and pharyns spread into her sinuses? The infection in Cari’s nasal passages and pharynx was able to spread into her sinuses due to the sinuses being a drainage area for the nasal passages. What is the cough reflex? Describe the process that Cari’s respiratory system is using to clear her lungs by coughing. The cough reflex is used to clear sputum and irritants that are in the nasal passages and pharynx. There are cilia in her trachea that is moving mucus up from the lungs. When the mucus becomes or abundant it triggers the cough reflex. Which structures found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli normally would protect Cari’s lungs from infectious pathogens and particulate matter? Macrophages found in the terminal bronchioles and alveoli that normally would protect Cari’s lungs from infectious pathogens and particulate matter. How would the resistance of Cari’s airways be affected by excess mucus and flu id in her lung? Excess mucus and fluid in the lungs would raise the resistance of Cari’s airways because of the small diameter the buildup would cause. The fluid would have some of alveoli under water where they could not function properly and there would also be more friction from the buildup. How would Cari’s lung compliance (the effort required to expand the lungs) be altered as her alveoli fill with fluid due to pneumonia? Lung compliance would increase from trying to force gases into and out of the alveoli. Those are filled with fluid due to the pneumonia. How would fluid in Cari’s lung affect her total lung capacity? Fluid in Cari’s lungs would lower her total lung capacity by not allowing the space that is taken up by the fluid to be filled with air. How does the elevation of Cari’s respiratory rate alter her minute ventilation? Elevation in her respiratory rate would alter her minute ventilation by raising it. Minute ventilation is determined by times ing respiratory rate by total volume. Normal blood oxygen saturation levels are greater than 94 percent; Caris blood oxygen saturation level was 90 percent at the time of her exam and an initial arterial blood gas analysis done when she was admitted to the hospital revealed her arterial Po2 was 54mmhg. How do these clinical finding relate to the internal respiration in cari body?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Conventional High Rise Buildings in Hong Kong

Introduction Modernism ever emphasize that the signifier of infinite to be developed based on the nonsubjective conditions of the external environment, the architectural signifier can be to the full reflected as a consequence of its map, nevertheless, such type of architectural signifier which dominated by functionalism was progressively being questioned in modern times, some of the designers attempt to happen new waies from the abstract philosophical idea, and developed the alleged deconstruction. The Godhead of the theory of deconstruction was Jacques Derrida, he was a philosopher who questioned against the tightness of Manichaean thought in Western idea, and stressed the uncertainness of the text in ideological looks, he thought a deconstructive reading can analyse the binary resistances in metaphysics, and a new construction can besides be generated though the dismantlement processes. The Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community College is situated at the junction of Hung Lok Road and Hung Lai Road, Hung Hom, Hong Kong. The edifice is developed on a brown field site which was antecedently utilized by KCRC as a workshop. The adjacent edifices of the premises is the Royal Peninsula residential belongings in the North of the site ( near Hung Hom South Road ) and the Hung Hom Peninsula residential belongings in the sou'-east ( near Hung Lok Road ) . The designer of Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) attempted to reflect upon the development of the urbanism of Hong Kong while the construct was in development phase in order to look for new possibilities. Attempted to research the function of deconstruction theory though analysis of the edifices in the metropolis. In Hong Kong, a metropolis with a high edifice denseness, institutional edifices are nevertheless usually low-rise. The Hong Kong Community College ( Hung Hom Bay Campus ) introduced a new alone construct in high-rise institutional tower typology, solid and null beat was applied in the high tower ; it besides introduced a new manner for learning and larning by spacial agreements of the edifice and provided gardens in the air, to supply a big figure of common infinites for sharing and interaction of the instructors and pupils. Background Conventional high rise edifice in Hong Kong With the growing of architecture design and edifice engineering, the skyscrapers are built higher and higher. Hong Kong, as the richest and fast working velocity metropolis in the universe, covers 1000s of skyscrapers and high-rise edifices in its limited land. In Hong Kong, the designers used to utilize light steel to build the edifices. And the exterior wall is covered by glass drape. This sort of design is beautiful and modern, but has some possible restrictions. Some analysis of the architecture exterior lift design in the universe reveals that the glass drape wall introduces successful solutions for the modern issue in the modern-day architecture. Yet, at the degree of architecture individuality and metropolis image, concrete exterior wall was non popular in the architecture design. Some inventive but frankly chilling signifiers of utmost urbanism were emerging as engineers invent constructs for of all time larger and more dumbly populated metropoliss like Hong Kong, but their signifier was merely for visual aspect and could non semiotically represent it ‘s map. With the building engineering developed, glass drape wall has become a necessary architecture design in the universe. Particularly the high-rise edifice and skyscraper all prefer to utilize the glass drape as the exterior wall. In Hong Kong, there are more than two thousand edifices that use the glass drape wall. However, there are some jobs to this architecture design particularly the light pollution which affects human life. The ornament of glass drape wall is like a elephantine glass mirror standing beside the street. This architecture design is really modern and beautiful, it could promote the city’s value and set it to a higher place. Some celebrated skyscrapers like International Finance Center, Central Plaza, Bank of China, The Center, Nina Tower etc. topographic point Hong Kong among the first metropoliss. But as the Hong Kong occupants mentioned, they do non prefer the edifice decorated with the glass drape wall merely, it is non healthy and causes many problems for the people who live inside and outside. The designer of Hung Hum Bay Campus attempted to dispute these conventional high rise edifices in Hong Kong, and to develop a new typology of high rise tower by interrupting down the elements in skyscrapers through deconstruction and reorganise it by his analysis, alternatively of merely utilizing glass drape walls to finish the design.The typical â€Å"Millennium† schoolsHong Kong was holding a bound of land, most of the land was in a incline and merely little figure of them are level. The population in Hong Kong requires a batch of institutional installations, therefore, it was wasteful and non easy to plan every school campus unambiguously. In the twelvemonth of 2000, most of the building of Hong Kong ‘s public schools were harmonizing to the authorities ‘s standard design, those campus called the criterion â€Å" millenary † schools, and this â€Å" criterion † besides reflects the changing of clip, turning of the importance of societal instruction. A typical â€Å" millenary † campus occupies six thousand square metres, with a sum of 30 criterion schoolrooms and 16 particular suites. in add-on to common music room or art room, the campuses besides provide information and engineering acquisition centres, linguistic communication acquisition room, etc. The pupil resort areas are at the land floor, staff suites are at the top ( 7th floor ) , and the criterion schoolrooms are separated separately. Although the installations of the â€Å" millenary † campus were doubtless more comprehensive than in the yesteryear, it ‘s basically was still a â€Å" shaped â€Å" design, it reflected the inflexibleness of â€Å" shaped â€Å" instruction in Hong Kong. Mr. Patrick Lau, the caput of Hong Kong architectural, appraising and urban Planning section who has been involved in a figure of international schools edifices, said that an designer should understand the demand of infinite, educational doctrine and learning methods of the school in order to plan a corresponding campus for the school.The designer of Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community College had questioned about the ground of utilizing â€Å" millenary † design. Since the authorities said it was convenience, and it can accommodate every schools. But it had really affected the instruction policy which both the building of the campus and the survey classs are â€Å" shaped â€Å" . Although the standard â€Å" millenary † campus allowed School patronizing organic structures to affect in the design, the result were still stereotyped, and the designs did n't let pupils to interact since the resort areas, schoolrooms, activities suites and staff suites are seperat ed. So the designer of Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) broke down and reorganized the points and maps of the traditional â€Å"Millennium† campus and worked out the new design.Polytechnic University SemioticsHong Kong Community College is a subdivision of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to analyze how the Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) to be semiotically acknowledging and stand foring Polytechnic University, this paper surveies the semiologies of other campus of Polytechnic University.MAIN CAMPUS:The chief campus was the earliest reinforced campus of Polytechnic University, it was situated in the denseness metropolis of Hong Kong, the series of edifices were designed in simple regular forms and cylinders, no curves or irregular form was in the signifier of the edifices. They are all appeared in ruddy bricks lift, it was an alone and representative acknowledgment for Polytechnic University. Stripe patterns besides appeared on it ‘s facade design as a acknowledgment.West Kow loon Campus ( HKCC ) :West Kowloon Campus was another campus of Hong Kong Community College, both Hung Hom bay campus and it were designed in simple rectangular boxes faculties and applied solid and nothingness in the design while West Kowloon Campus was seting rectangular blocks together, and Hung Hom bay campus was undermining rectangular nothingnesss out ; they were both seting the gardens in the air which exposed to the lifts.Discussion Deconstruction means anti-structure, to defuse the nucleus of the construction ; which is characterized by anti-centrality, anti-dualistic resistance and anti-authority. The design of the Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community College had semiotically defused the definition of a high rise tower, there was no Manichaean resistance significances between the plan of the design, different installations can be connected to portion. The designer had understood the educational doctrine and learning method of the Hong Kong Community College before the beginning of the design, he studied and referenced the learning methods in American instruction, which accent on unfastened look, esteeming the pupil ‘s thoughts, and to mix with the relationship of instructor and pupils. The design of the campus besides provided more infinites for pupils to sit down to chew the fat with the instructors. This paper will discourse the significance of it ‘s spacial agreement, the semiotic of it ‘s lifts and the signifier, the representation and semiotical significance of it ‘s material, in order to happen out how the edifice still be able to understand as a campus, and stand foring Hong Kong Polytechnic University through deconstruction. It can be perceived from the exterior lifts of the campus, a uninterrupted spiral concatenation of communal sky gardens along the tower block fringe was widening from the lower land floor to the seventeenth floor, they created loosen uping and pleasant infinites, which can be semiotically understood as a topographic point for larning. Alternatively of those, the agreement of the sky gardens besides re-interpretated the designer ‘s apprehension of out-of-door acquisition infinites and public infinites. Growthing workss on the sky gardens can be used as afforestation and enhanced sunlight acquiring in, a batch of afforestation embodies greening consequence and on the other manus brought out a feeling of daze and wonderful. Meaning of Space Throughout the deconstruction took topographic point in the design procedure, the Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community College provided new significances to the institutional edifice by spacial agreements. The designers of Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) , AD+RG ( Architecture Design and Research Group ) , had created a modular planning design for the edifice, they developed a flexible â€Å"modular system of spacial combination† in the design, it was capable of future transmutation to ease the demand of adaptability or flexibleness. The premises target to provide of all time altering learning demands in hereafter every bit good as developing engineerings. In order to use a upper limit of available infinites above a limited country of land, Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) had designed a new spacial layout, it broke down the conventional resort areas or gardens on the land floor, and put them onto the tower to do it go sky gardens. Then insert popular assemblage activities adjacent to the gardens such as canteen, Student Union installations, etc. , in order to convey the popularity together to the upper steps of the campus efficaciously, which could follow the architectural design construct of perpendicular development. In add-on, the sky gardens on the edifice was non merely for making an ideal environment for the campus, it encouraged pupils to be inaugural to larn, besides heighten the pupil ‘s sense of belonging, and even made it a good topographic point for pupils treatment and to interchange their cognition. The campus design had made good usage of spacial layout, it used high rise building for perpendicular development, roof gardens was set nearby the populace installations such as schoolrooms, canteen, coffeehouse and library, unlike the criterion â€Å" millenary † campuses which the installations were separated without any connexions and interactions, it provided a new visual aspect for higher instruction establishments. In order to forestall congestions and holds occurs at the lift anterooms and chief entrywaies in this multi storey high rise campus at the extremum times, therefore, the spacial agreement, distribution and place of lifts, and escalators had item considerated when planing the edifice. All major talk suites were located at the lower block beside the platform, it can assist pupils get away efficaciously. Classrooms and installations for staffs was situated environing the public infinites, it means the designers encourage the communicating between instructors and pupils. Two big places were peculiar featured on the land floor and 4th floor as chief outdoor activities infinites, with the talk theatres, pupil brotherhood activity Centre, and providing countries environing, increased the Cohesiveness of the place. Elevation semiologies The coiling communal infinite organisation in the modular lift design was articulated by square shaped be aftering faculties to fit the communal infinite organisation and enhance air flow across the edifice mass. The design had integrated verdure into the lifts, characteristic trees and thenars were located at the semi unfastened communal infinites to heighten natural airing and besides as a focal point to make a alone landmark for orientation. The frontage design besides complied the semiotic characteristics of the chief campus of Polytechnic University, which stripe forms was applied to the exterior lift design of the solid parts as a acknowledgment of campus of the university. Semioticss of Form Unlike other modern-day high rise edifices or skyscrapers, the signifier of the Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) was non merely designed for overdone or unnatural to pull attendings, it composes of assorted learning blocks stacked spirally in the air, which are separated with sky gardens at different degrees. The uninterrupted spiral concatenation of communal sky gardens could be perceived along the tower block fringe widening from the lower-ground floor to the upper-most floors. The gardens enrich the edifice lift with a natural, pleasant environment and aid to make a different unfastened acquisition and communal environment. In order to do good usage of all available infinites within a limited land, the Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) was composted with a lower platform and a high rise tower connecting by lifts at the centre of the edifice, it provided the natural airing and allowed adequate sunshine or daytime traveling into interior on the one manus, it could besides forestall the next edifices barricading the position of the architecture. The indoor garden without glass drape wall enhanced the interior position and permeableness. By seting sky gardens into different floors and places, beside supplying public acquisition infinites for pupils and instructors of the college, the semi unfastened sky gardens besides made the campus semiotically became an alone landmark in the metropolis. The public green place located at land floor and 4th floor were the nodes of the campus, achieved the organic combination of both unreal afforestation and natural ecology. The workss growing on the sky gardens were non merely for afforestation, in add-on, they were allowing Sun visible radiations get into the inside and supplying a natural and peaceable ambiance for survey. It had complied greening consequence to the perpendicular development of institutional edifice, provided much fresh air to the inside, and even provided a comfy ocular enjoyment for pupils, instructors, and other users. Material representation The material choice of the Hung Hom Bay Campus ( HKCC ) had been through a careful consideration, in order to accomplish a entity and crystalline ocular contrast between the solid and nothingnesss of the campus. The lift attempted to utilize two different stuffs, high transparence glass walls and the extremely entity traditional ruby colored bricks of Polytechnic University, which did non merely created different transparences, but besides benefits to command the strength of sunlight entries alternatively of merely utilizing â€Å" beautiful and modern † drape walls. Decision It was concluded that the Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community College can be semiotically understood as a new type of high rise institutional tower through deconstruction, and it can be easy recognized as a campus of Polytechnic University in consequence. The design broke down the elements of modern-day skyscrapers and high rise edifices and the conventional standard typical â€Å" millenary â€Å" schools campuses which was popular in Hong Kong through deconstruction. After analysis and reorganise those elements, the signifier of the edifice can still pull attendings from public, but it was in a simple manner but non in exaggerate or unnatural irregular forms ; schoolroom, staff room, gardens and resort areas still exists in the new campus, but became everyplace and synergistic, it provides a pleasant ambiance for both the users and the edifice lifts, which made the edifice semiotically understood as a campus for acquisition ; the traditional ruby colored bricks of Polytechnic University and the modern glass drape walls had still used, but they were looking in matching places, it enhanced the entity and crystalline ocular contrast between the solid and nothingnesss in add-on. The chief construct of Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community college was to bring forth an alone landmark of green edifice and present a new type of high rise institutional edifice through deconstruction, it was to the full demonstrated that a high rise building can still be successfully integrated with the elements of natural environment in a metropolis with extremist denseness. The campus shows the multiple benefits of a high rise green tower. This design non merely heighten the public presentation of the edifice and bettering the environmental comfort, on the other manus it provided a greening consequence as an oasis to the complex urban environment in Hong Kong. The advanced design uniting with the environmental mark of the undertaking was effectual and resulted as a favourable consequence. As a public architecture, the semi unfastened sky gardens and green place provided an Significant, impressive and gratifying green infinite in the metropolis. BibliographyKate Nesbitt. 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